@taylorosullivan showing off her urban farming skills in her Leaf Slides
Lately, we have taken an interest in Urban Farming and what it entails. One notable urban farmer is Joannah Chuah, founder of Weird and Wonderful Edibles SG (wwedibles.sg). She loves Indosole and what we stand for. She even got herself a pair of Indosole Womens Slides in Shore while stitching together a ‘consciously made’ outfit; To take a picture for the cover of her very own book.
The feelings of admiration are undeniably mutual - her rooftop garden is nothing short of a horticultural marvel - but we have more profound reasons as to why we applaud her.
She grows a vast diversity of native flora, especially those that vanished from Singapore’s rich biodiversity in recent decades, amidst the development of our metropolitan city.
She sells her unique produce, ranging from rare edible flowers to peculiar ingredients, to local restaurants and cafes scattered across our island.
Not only does this chip in towards strengthening the country’s food supply resilience, but it also brings back vibrancy and originality to our local cuisine.
She also conducts workshops to empower people to adopt the urban farming lifestyle as well.
Supplying unconventional cultivations for local delicacies mirrors how Indosole upcycles a material not typically used to make soles for flip flops, namely discarded tires.
The recognition given to Singapore’s rich botanical history corresponds to how we at Indosole respect and stay true to our Indonesian artisanal roots. Finally, urban farming contributes to tackling food security issues in Singapore, just like how Indosole provides a creative solution to landfill waste and the toxicity that is born from it.
We see a lot of ourselves and our values in Urban Farming, which is why we are so intrigued by it and the possibilities it promises.
Here is another commendable example of urban farming. The former Henderson primary school grounds is now home to City Sprouts, a social enterprise that strives to encourage urban farming in our concrete jungle while building meaningful relationships between communities.
The heart of City Sprouts is a food & beverage space that breathed new life into the old school canteen, saving it from a fate of urban decay. Nestled within the campus is Singapore's first plot-share urban farm and they even have a compost pile to eliminate food wastage.
Apart from being a hotspot for urban farming enthusiasts to build their community, they fundamentally challenge the notion of something, or some place, reaching the ‘end’ of its life, something we genuinely value at Indosole.
Something to look forward to would be Indosole’s involvement in an exciting event at ‘The Landing Area’ of their Sprout Hub Urban Farm. It is a lifestyle pop up that is going to happen in the near future. We are thrilled to be part of something so aligned with our values.
Did you know you can find more and more urban farms at your fingertips in Singapore? Like the amazing urban rooftop farm at Funan Mall run by Edible Garden City. It is a beautiful space which has indoor and soil-based farming, vertical growing and aquaculture too.
And whilst you're there, you can visit one of our other more permanent homes, like our stockist at Funan mall - the newly revamped The Green Collective SG.
And this month you can collect rewards with Capitaland Go Green Month!
Indosole’s mission is to inspire people to live a more fulfilled and conscious life with every step. We believe Urban Farming embodies the same mission, so we hope that you are emboldened to take that step and start your own little urban garden at your homes.
Weird & Wonderful Vegetables - https://wwedibles.org/
City Sprouts Urban Farm - https://www.instagram.com/city_sprouts
The Landing Area Lifestyle Food & Social Space at City Sprouts Urban Farm